traditional publishing

The Decision To Believe

Tonight, I am leaving this here as proof that I've made it a third of the way through writing my BOOK TWO!!! It sounds so weird to say that I am writing my second book, because that means that I actually wrote a first book.


Current updates on BOOK ONE:

I finished revising with the best friend; nineteen hours worth to be precise. I've had various BETA readers giving wonderful feedback, and a few more who still need to read. I've been actively researching agents as well! So what's the next step?

Here is my breakdown for the journey to becoming published:

1.) Wrap mind around the fact that there is actually a book to be published

2.) Get over fear of sending work out and dreading that everyone will hate it

3.) Collect critique forms from valued BETA readers

4.) Write a summary for the series

5.) Write a summary for BOOK ONE

*Side Note: Writing a summary is actually much more difficult than it seems. Writing 311 pages? No problem. One paragraph? The hardest thing in the world!

6.) Write query letters directed to each individual agent

7.) Send out query letters

8.) Pray to the literary gods that someone will like my work

From what I've gathered, the journey to traditional publication is a waiting game, and it starts with finding an agent. In the meantime, I have plenty of homework to keep me busy. Homework, might I mention, that is not getting done to the best of my abilities because my characters can be extremely persuasive in convincing me to write instead.

All best,Kayla King.png